Thursday, November 2, 2017

Korotia Zamindar Bari and Mosque, Tangail


Korotia Zamindar Bari (করটিয়া জমিদার বাড়ি) is located at the Korotia of Tangail (করটিয়া, টাঙ্গাইল). The famous Zamindar (জমিদার) of Tangail, Wajed Ali Khan Panni (ওয়াজেদ আলী খান পান্নি) built that palace beside the Putia River (পুটিয়া নদী) at Korotia (করটিয়া). The whole Zamindar palace premise having 1000m x 500m dimension comprises of lot of old buildings and ponds.

The main gate of the building is currently locked and no outsiders are entertained to have an entry. So if you go there, make sure you can have an entry, or you have to return from there without visiting that archaic building. According to the local people, the palace is open for public at 1st and 12th boishak (বৈশাখ) of Bengali calendar, and the two Eid days.

Near the Zamindar Bari (জমিদার বাড়ি) an old mosque is available. The mosque is having eight domes in two rows. First row is having five equal sized smaller domes and the second one is having three domes where middle one is the largest. At the eastern side of the mosque, a 15 feet tall minaret is available with old stairs. I don’t know the exact built date of the mosque. If you know, you can share as a comment at below.

How to go

1. Take a bus from Mohakhali (মহাখালী) Bus Stand and come to Korotia (করটিয়া). Best bus services are Nirala, Jhotika, Dholeswari (নিরালা, ধলেশ্বরী, ঝটিকা), etc. Bus fare is 100-120. GPS of the Korotia (করটিয়া) Bus Stoppage is (24°12’32.06″N, 89°58’50.33″E). It will take around 3 hours to reach there.
2. From the Korotia (করটিয়া) stoppage, take a rickshaw or auto to reach at the Zamindar (জমিদার) Palace premise. GPS of the palace is (24°13’24.59″N, 89°58’43.25″E). It will take around 10 minutes to reach there by spending 10-15 taka.
3. GPS of the mosque is (24°13’20.08″N, 89°58’46.74″E).

How To Reach: Tangail District

It would take approximately 1 hour and 55 minutes to go Tangail from Dhaka City, via Kaliakair and Tongi. The distance is around 84.0 km. From Mohakhali (মহাখালী) bus terminal, several buses use to run for this district. It takes around 2-3 hours to reach there. Probably the Nirala (নিরালা) is the best service. After that Jhotila (ঝটিকা), Dhaleswari(ধলেশ্বরী) can be second choice. Also, you can go there by train, but I don’t know much about locomotive services.

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২০১ গম্বুজ বিশিষ্ট মসজিদ - 201 Dome Mosque - Tangail

টাঙ্গাইলের গোপালপুর উপজেলায় ২০১ গম্বুজ ও ৪৫১ ফুট উঁচু মিনার বিশিষ্ট একটি সুন্দর মসজিদ নির্মাণ করা হচ্ছে।  প্রতিষ্ঠাতারা আশা করছেন যে নান্দন...